Artist Feature: Jane Rosen

UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISONTandem Press Visiting Artist Lecture. Jane Rosen, November 8th, 2008.
This video explores Jane Rosen in her element: speaking to students. Rosen, a prolific and beloved teacher, explores how she started as a sculptor in the New York art world. "I was basically cooking up a kind of alchemy trying to find out how things formed. But I was doing it in the language of the time that I lived in," she says. Later, Jane expounds upon this idea, "So I guess my wish was to use art to understand the laws that govern us, that govern nature-- the invisible reality behind the visible reality, that would allow us, in fact, to see our own better human nature." Nearly 20 years later, the talk remains so fresh and immediately relevent to her process. Jane Rosen has continued upon the path she set out upon as a young art student, the formal investigation of nature at the heart of her daily practice.