Alexandra Duprez

From her beginnings in the mid-1990s, Alexandra Duprez has developed an intuitive approach to drawing and painting, drawing her inspiration from outsider art and folk art. In her images, she conjures up a phantasmagorical world akin to a dream, populated by troubling creatures, entangled shapes, and multiplied eyes, somewhere between figuration and abstraction. At the center of his work is the human body, a body that splits, erases, and transforms itself, to become a being in constant mutation, half-animal, half-plant. By adding and covering, layer after layer, the artist creates what she calls "shreds of images", fragments of a constantly reinvented story with teeming ramifications. The eye wanders, as if into a metaphorical forest born of the artist's unconscious. Her recurring motifs open up a path towards the disquieting strangeness of her inner theatre.